I don’t really “get” Occupy Wall Street. I agree there is massive corruption in this country, from Wall street, bankers, unions, big corporations and most of all our government. I’m as disgusted with it as they are. There are people who should have been put on trial rather than bailed out. Whose fault is that? Our government. So why are we not protesting them? Demanding that these people face charges for their crimes? If that’s not what they are asking, what exactly are they asking? I mean what is it meant to accomplish? Will Wall street just give up and come outside and throw their millions to the crowd? I don’t see how this movement is going to enact any change. Get a few million together with a lawyer and maybe they will make some progress. I think either that or you are gonna have to give up the signs for guns.
There will always be greedy people, but if the wealthy got that way legally, while I might despise them for their miserly ways, hey, it’s their money. They certainly don’t owe it to me. It’s our government who got us into this financial mess, bailing out criminals, giving our money away hand over fist. I believe in a free market. That means you make it or you lose it through your own actions. There is no such thing as too big to fail. Look at America, we are failing big time. I don’t believe that the wealthy need to take care of me. Ever read “Atlas Shrugged”? It might be in their best interest to if they are Christians (“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Mk. 10:25)), but whatever, that’s between them and God.

It’s really pretty scary seeing who exactly supports Occupy Wall Street. I don’t want to live in a socialist society. I don’t believe we have a God-given right to be taken care of. I believe that sometimes bad shit happens to people and the world is never going to be fair. I’m sick of political correctness. I’m sick of government officials who are bought by special interests groups. The government I knew was “by the people, for the people”. This is what we have controlling our country now:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the National autodetermination practiced in past centuries.– David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991”
The idea of being run by “intellectual elite and world bankers” is terrifying. Of course so is the idea of being run by the idiots we have running things now. I cannot call them any kind of “intellectual elite”, look at the mess they’ve made of things.
While I’m at it, I’m sick of “Left” and “Right” and “Liberal” and “Conservative” and the vitriol and really amazing hatred aimed at any of them from the other. Especially when both sides are as bad as the other in how they see fit to run my country. Let’s just ditch the damn labels for a change. I’m sick of being called an idiot, sheeple, and however other many nasty names people come up with for believing in what I do. With that kind of unbending attitude you think I would want you or anyone you might vote for ruling me?
I believe in some conservative ideas. I believe in some liberal ideas. I believe in respecting others and their ideas whether I agree with them or not. I believe mostly in our constitution and mourn the loss of it. I am not the 1%; nor am I the 99%. Does that make me irrelevant?