5 Responses to “My Garden Is In!”

  1. Kc says:

    I’m so glad you are feeling better this year and that you are having fun with your garden. Sometimes just being outside and digging in the dirt is so therapeutic! I spend to much time in front of this silly machine!

    That link to Gardeners Sharing is WONDERFUL! I’m sending it off to all my friends! I know in our little residential neighborhood last year everyone had to many tomatoes! I only have 2 tomato plants but it is more than we will eat — it always is — so hopefully this year I can share with people who could really use it! Thanks for the link! Kc
    Kc recently posted..Can Amara come out and play?My Profile

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      I know, I thought that site was awesome! It’s nice to know your food can go to people who really need it.

      I have a long way to go but last year I felt like I wasn’t going to make it another year. It’s good to not feel crummy all the time ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Keith Davis says:

    Hi Sliloh
    Good to hear that you are doing your bit to fill the larders of the country.
    I’m not a fruit and veg grower but I do love the garden.
    Most of this summer will be taken up cutting down large shrubs that were tiny little things when we planted them.
    This weekend will be a mixture of world cup football and gardening… might even find time for a couple of glasses of white wine. LOL
    Keith Davis recently posted..Laugh and the worldโ€ฆMy Profile

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      Hi Keith,
      This is only my 4th year at being a gardener and I’m not sure you can count the first year, but I love it and it’s been good for me. Since there is only me here I should have lots of extras for food pantries.

      Shrubs can really get out of hand after a few years, sounds like you have your work cut out for you. I think football and wine is suitable reward. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Jane says:

    Great news that you are feeling so much better!
    I miss taking your blogging class, but things are so busy around here, I would love to take it again, as I learned a whole lot.

    Do be really careful of using any poisons in or near a garden, house, or anywhere. As you can get ‘secondary kills’, this means that the animal who is poisoned cannot run or get away from your cat or your dog. And, if your pet eats it, they will ingest the poison too.
    Its really awful, so never use that method. Either go with the coyote urine, that works well, though you have to re-apply it after a rain. Or use the Have-a-Heart traps and transport the animal to the woods away from your property. People say its against the law, but you are saving the animal by moving him. Its the most humane way.

    We have a new crop of bunnies, but they feast on our clover and leave the gardens alone.
    Jane recently posted..Lilly, the Rocket DogMy Profile

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