The Fashion Show

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3DC Fashion Show

Come one, come all! The first annual (and most likely the last) 3DCommune male fashion show is commencing!
Come on girls and get a front row seat! ;)
(left to right:pinhead aka Paulio, Tripper aka Graham, Frogdot aka Dave, Royc8 aka Roy & Tino aka Martin)
Thanks for the show boys!

  • Jaymonjay - Priceless. :)
  • arianna - Anita - you have outdone yourself! OMG. Look at that motley crew and all that body hair!!! :-D
  • Renderin - ok but who is which?
  • frogdot - LOL, but where do you stuff the dollar bills?
  • Mannie - This is cool ;)
  • tripper - i need a wax....this is priceless Anita.
  • primal - This is Wonderful!!!And freeky!!!
  • BigDen - Anita, girl you are ever so slightly sick....hahahahaha
  • Moonglum - Just too funny. Great job.
  • Tino - LOL Anita - You capture the essence of us all:) Funny and excellent!
  • Burpee - I'm amazed that you got them to keep their clothes on, hahahaha! What fun, excellent!
  • hubert - ROFL... perfectly captured!! :))
  • royc8 - Lol killer pic Anita, is this how you spent your time when you were ofline? ; )
  • Duncan - LOL, too funny !
  • buzz69 - hahaha the bloke in the red basque reminds me of a drunken bikers party i went to and (heaven forbid) i looked as bad as him!! lololol!! perfect
  • trouble - A tutu and garter!!!!! ROFL!!!!!
  • Aurore - LOL...well done
  • ladylake - I would recognize them anywhere....well, almost anywhere. :-))
  • unstart - They are sooooo sweet! Great job Anita!
  • mjhatch - Well, they are in touch with their femine side. He he he, excellent aRt...;)
  • Site_Admin - I wear sneakers Anita ; )
  • Baldiman - qute...I think..:-)
  • MagikUnicorn - lolll Coolo
  • asazen - ROFL,excellent work and humour!
  • TMC - LOL,...Excellent...!!
  • pixelkid - they have so sexy legs lol
  • Kafra - Oh my... LOL!!!!
  • Skygirl - LOL...FANTASTIC !!!
  • frndofyaweh - Okay this is too hilarious!!!! I'm not a girl but I love it anyways!!
  • Nati - Wow !! cool work !!!! :o) :o) :o)
  • timewaste7 - THIS IS SO VERY FUNNY AND GREAT!!!!
  • thunderfingers - Funny! Disturbing, but funny!