Or more of a “how’d she do dat!?” 😉
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“Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong.” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Or more of a “how’d she do dat!?” 😉
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Ron Paul announced tonight that he is ending his campaign for president. But he will hopefully keep the momentum of his message going.
I’m disappointed but it was clear he didn’t have a chance. I blame the media for a lot of that because did you ever even hear about him? I’m so sick […]
Getting out there and reading all this new material has turned up some strange and bizarre stories. I just felt I had to add my own weird one after reading Average Joe’s about the bird poop facials. Not for me, thanks but no thanks!
I suffer from allergies pretty badly so I had to […]
Scary, that word social.
Social: pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations.
Recluse: a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society.
See the problem here? So while I can spend all day running around the web anonymously for the most part and even post my blogs with my very […]
One of my classmates just mentioned that she’s preparing for a move. She has all my sympathies. I went through that 2 years ago and I’m still not unpacked 😉 More work with a baby in tow. The move I made when my daughter’s were 5 years and 6 months old was the worst.
In my wanderings tonight I ran across the Leonard Lopate radio show with a segment on Borderline Personality Disorder. It’s presented as an mp3 file about 24 minutes long. It’s so good to have this treated like the serious legitimate illness that it is. I’ve felt plenty of shame through my life, both when I […]