I’m talking about the Trayvon Martin incident. You know, when we used to play checkers the winner was the one who could “get the move” on his opponent. Apparently the same thing works with the media. Trayvon’s family wasted no time getting it all out in the media along with pictures of their 12 y/o angel. Forget that he was now 17 and 6’3″ tall. The media condemned Zimmerman across the board. I couldn’t believe it when I saw Anderson Cooper going on about how he wears a hoodie. Like Zimmerman shot a poor black child because he was wearing a hoodie, rather than the fact that Trayvon punched him, knocked him to the ground and was beating his head against the pavement. He has the injuries to prove it, which explains why he hasn’t been arrested. You know what they say about assume.
Where was the media outrage when this white young couple was murdered by 5 black thugs? The only reason I heard about it at the time was because I read crime boards. Why is the media so sensitive to black sentiment and not to white? What was done to Channon and Christian was far, far worse than what happened to Trayvon. And they weren’t beating anyone’s head against the pavement when it happened.
But coming out first and forcefully in the media, everyone believes the story. Hey, that’s happened to me any number of times, even with my own family. Get a clue folks, just because you heard one side of the story don’t assume it’s the truth.
Then we have the wonderful, good-hearted black community rallying around demanding justice for this terrible crime. Like New Black Panther Party offering $10,000 reward for the abduction of George Zimmerman. Now since the police don’t want him what do you suppose they plan on doing with him after abducting him? Spike Lee tweeted Zimmerman’s address. If anything happens to him or his family I sure hope Spike will be charged as an accessory. Even our president had to put his two cents in and it wasn’t even worth two cents. Louis Farrakhan says there will be retaliation. Rev. Al Sharpton wants the killer (murderer) arrested. Rev. Jesse Jackson called Trayvon Martin a “martyr” and compared his death to that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. I ask, where was all their outrage when Channon and Christian were murdered? If they are so hot for equal rights, why don’t they equally spout off when the victims are white? They are more racist than I’ve ever been. Very unbecoming for men of God to pass judgement so quickly without all the facts.
I say ya’ll should sit back and shut up because you may not be making an ass of me but you surely are making one of yourselves. Let the police do their job. With all the pressure to arrest Zimmerman, I’m sure they would/will if they find they have a case, because we must be so careful of black sentiment you know. If the case wasn’t so sad for all concerned I’d find humor in the fact that Zimmerman is actually a hispanic rather than white.
The media today is deplorable. Judge, Jury and if Spike has his way, Executioner too. Thank God for people who can think for themselves.
I couldn’t agree more after seeing this circus in the media. As for the young White couple, I thought at first that they were the two people in the Old “America’s most Wanted” show where a Black Militant Pharmacist killed the man by shooting him in the back. The couple moved to Denver and wanted more “Diversity” in their lives. Too bad their new neighbor was a militant racist white hater…so much for diversity. She is still wanted by the law.
That story is still on the AMW website. I see it’s a different story on the link…Just more tragedy. I wonder if President Obama, Jesse, Sharpton and Geraldo will flock to Chicago next? Where are their quick judgments for the 41 people shot in 50 hours in Obama’s Chicago recently? The number is well over 60 shootings in 2 weeks now, 3 more today. Several little kids and old people have died in crossfire just sitting in their homes. The vast majority if not ALL, are black on black crimes. But not a peep on the National news by the race baiter industry..aka..Sharpton,jackson’s,Lee. I guess there’s no glamour or chance to point fingers if there’s not Whiter skin on black crimes involved. I did get a good laugh at the attempt to call this Zimmerman fellow a “*White Hispanic” nice try …well, not really. We in Chicago know all about the race baiters. If there’s a chance to blame whitey, they jump on it. I don’t trust any of them now. I never will. I’m also glad Chicago’s unconstitutional Gun ban law was stopped and Good citizens can arm themselves at home. Judging by the way the Divider in chief has chosen personal sides against American’s, we may need them as Zimmerman did for self defense. I still never got an answer as to why this Kid was out at 3AM in a strange town and why his Parent let him go out there? There’s an old saying …”Nothing good happens in the streets after Midnight” Yep. Proven True again in Florida AND Obama’s Chicago. Please..Vote in November everyone.