5 Responses to “Deciding to have fourteen children”

  1. Lightdance says:

    Live and let live does have its limits. Unfortunately, the deed is already done. Perhaps the fertility clinic should be required to pay child support (but to an independent entity). It was beyond irresponsibility, reaching criminality in my opinion. I have fears for the 14 children as well. -k-

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      I agree, those who made that insane decision should support them, I’m sure their medical bills alone will be astronomical over the years. The scariest part of this is she wants to be a counselor when she clearly needs one instead.

  2. Carol says:

    Right on!

    Carol’s last blog post..Inspiration?

  3. Deb H. says:

    I so agree with you — how can you bring that many children into the world knowing you don’t have an income? I just don’t understand it but my guess is she is what we call a “collector” or “hoarder” in the animal world. Now how will she like those babies when they are all teenagers??? I checked her site and she has a comment form but of course no links to the comments made so you can see them. My guess is there are many negative ones.

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