I got followed by this guy on Twitter from my area, Jon Swerens, so went and checked out his site. Not only is his blog really interesting, like the post telling me how long it would take me to burn $825 billion dollars (and that answer is mind boggling), but he does digital work for The News-Sentinel that I just love. That is what I wish I was making a living at. But better yet, he is a fantastic musician, and has a couple of free songs on his website. You must go download “River”. That man has a beautiful voice. He also has a cd for sale and I listened to those that I could. They are instrumentals. I think that River song needs to go with my River image 😉 I found him refreshing after being followed by so many marketing, PR, and yes even blogging types. I do have an interest in those things but I feel so inundated with that stuff and along comes a guy that is coming from somewhere else than that, my two real loves, music and art. He’s aiming for 100 downloads of his song and it’s worth it…well, of course it is, it’s free! lol
I think it’s pretty clear I’m not in this for making money, certainly not with this blog, so I’m not sure why I follow so many who that is the main focus for them. I am not even too sure I like that many following me given my subject matter so often. It’s one thing to put it out there knowing only a few people who know me read it. Ah well, kinda late for that worry I guess.