6 Responses to “Quitting smoking”

  1. Miranda says:

    WOW mom…that is some terrific news. I am so glad to hear that you have some goals you are working towards! It sounds like you are really committed to making a change and you have a positive attitude about it. Maybe Melissa and I can come to the Y with you while we are there – I need to exercise sooo bad. Went running last night for the first time in like 2 1/2 months so I really need to stay on the ball.
    Let me know if you need help/motivation/nagging 😛

    Love you!

  2. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Thanks, I seem to be on a roll 😉

  3. Bean says:

    Woo hoo! This is a very admirable but tough goal. You are really setting some great goals. They may not all work as you want the first time, but you have the ball rolling. Avoiding the avoiding is a real challenge. You go girl and keep us posted!

  4. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    So far so good. Made my appointments but missed my quit date because my internet went down. That will only make sense to people who understand that smoking was a way of helping me deal with stress. Today is my 5th day smoke free and man oh man do I want a cigarette!

  5. Lynn Carmouche says:

    Hi Anita,
    I have been battling the same issue since July 2009. I got the bupropion, inhalers and nicotine gum. I have cut down a lot but I think my head won’t let me give it up all together. From reading your comments it sounds like you did really well. Congrats.

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      Well, I was successful for a few days. What I need is someone to bum them off when I’m so stressed I think I must have one, then I wouldn’t go out and buy a whole pack 😀

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