8 Responses to “DBT-Interpersonal Effectiveness”

  1. quirkyartist says:

    It really all just sounds like common sense, doesn’t it. But then when you think about it, you might agree with it all, but it’s not actually what you DO.

  2. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Yeah that’s so true. My logical mind knows it, my emotional mind is taking a few years to catch up 😉

  3. Carol says:

    This post is a great article and discusses a lot of the issues I have been through. I didn’t know I had a borderline personality. 🙂
    I love the photo of the Joffrey Ballet, but I count an uneven number of legs! 🙂

  4. Adele Aldridge says:

    This article could apply to most every relationship I can think of.

  5. Adele Aldridge says:

    Hey! I took a look at your CafePress store. The design is so good. Damn, if I could afford it I would hire you to do all this tech stuff. I wish!

  6. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Hah Carol I lent my daughter my book with these lessons in it and she’s worried she has it now. These are just normal skills that most people learn along the way but that we somehow didn’t 😉 They do apply to pretty well everyone Adele.
    Thanks Adele, wish it looking good was helping me sell stuff 😉

  7. Jane says:

    Interesting article. I agree with the other commenters – much of it seems like common sense, yet it can be difficult in practice.

    I have one quibble, though. How does one “Get your opinions taken seriously” and “get others to do things”? Maybe I’m misreading the article, but to me those two points makes one more reliant upon others rather than oneself since we can’t make (i.e., “get”) someone to do anything they don’t wish to do. Just a thought.

  8. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    That will be part 2 of the skills learned. No one is an island, we need to learn to effectively ask for help when we need it too. Everyone needs help sometimes. For me, the asking is the hardest part. It’s true that you can’t MAKE anyone do anything. But you can learn to present your case in an effective way.

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