8 Responses to “What I did on my summer vacation”

  1. Bean says:

    I am so sorry that you have had such struggles. I never did get my garden in, except for my tomato pots. Not enough to can but I had cherry tomatoes until last night’s frost.
    Here is to health and happiness!
    .-= Bean´s last blog ..Week Six: Blog Tags and Categories =-.

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      The garden was a disappointment this year but I had tons of zucchini and summer squash to eat. Plus the tomatoes, corn and beans 😉 Next year will be better all the way around, I’m sure!

  2. pete s. says:

    Hi Anita, like the new wheels! Your neighbors and your kids ‘done good’, too!

    I’ve had a bad few months me-own-self, but at least no flu :::knock wood::: Surely, an adventure such as you’ve had puts you in serious contention for the “Sucky Summer” silver cup!
    Shame about the tomatoes, but I bet the beans and squashes were/are tasty!

    You’re right, next summer’s gotta be better

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      Yeah is the car not totally sweet!? And so is the porch swing 😉

      I’m not supposed to get the flu, I’m a hermit :p But oh well. Here’s hoping next year is better for all of us!

  3. Dee says:

    Hi Anita, the vegetables look beautiful, your new car is amazing and I love the porch swing! I know next year will be a good year for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell Miranda and Lissy “hello” from us.

    We love you,
    Dee and Mark

  4. Barb Hartsook says:

    Garden not as prolific as last year’s, then? What you’ve picked and photo-ed above is pretty though. Be glad you threw out the bad tomatoes. I don’t think that would have added much to your good health this winter. I do love that porch swing!!! And the car.

    So, you are ahead a new car, the swing, and neighbors and friends who help you in the garden. And your loyal girls are still there……… you have some good things going on! Here’s to an upbeat year ahead, starting now. 🙂

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      Yes, the neighbor across the street knows everyone. He has been a wonderful help to me. I don’t know what I’d have done without him this year. And there were a lot of veggies early on that I was just in no shape to do anything with, so he passed them all around. So yes, not an entirely bad year, only health-wise. But that stuff can bring you down.

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