Scary, that word social.
Social: pertaining to, devoted to, or characterized by friendly companionship or relations.
Recluse: a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society.
See the problem here? So while I can spend all day running around the web anonymously for the most part and even post my blogs with my very personal painful struggles, this whole social idea has me stressing out. I think part of it is my natural tendency to always let people come to me (and given my background that’s probably perfectly natural for me) but also it feels like a huge risk for possible rejection, scorn, abuse, you name it. Just posting my sad little blog where an occasional person might happen on it is one thing, putting it out there for criticism is quite something else.
So Bean, using the word exposure was perfect, because I feel darn right naked now! On the other hand, I can see my therapist thanking you for instructing me to do just that 😉
Here’s to hoping it won’t be as bad as I’m imagining it could be. I realize that most will only know me as Sliloh, some girl with really crazy hair (according to my avatar), but any bad feedback will be coming to the real person behind that facade. I hope she’s strong enough to handle it.
For the most part I’ve left my name off everything, and usually my city too, I’ve included no im identities, certainly no phone number. If someone wants to come torture me for writing an exceptionally bad blog they’ll have to look a little harder to do it (but not much harder). Hold on while I lock the door…..
O.K. I won’t use your name here.
Just to say, the short while I have been looking at your Blog – and this is very brief compared to all the wonderful content here – what I get is that you are an AMAZING and TALENTED person and think you should “put it out” what ever way you feel like and know that it helps others.
I have a lot of questions to ask regarding all the tech stuff of this Blog but am too busy just trying to catch up to organize all those thoughts at this moment. Hopefully, I’ll get to it all.
Thanks for all your good stuff. – Adele
Thank you Adele, I seem to be making way more posts than I planned on. All that reading everywhere I find the best stuff 😉
Feel free to ask away, just work on one thing at a time and it won’t seem so crazy.
[…] quite easily. I just typed in the name and hit the enter key. Voila! There it was. It sounds like Sliloh may think this is a little scary […]
I can certainly relate to how you feel. I am a pretty introverted person and on top of that, I’ve always had a hard time putting my work out there for the world to see. I’ve been working towards overcoming my fears of being ridiculed and rejected. The blogging class has helped me to take huge strides in this area by forcing me out of my shell with the homework requirements of socializing on other people’s blogs. You’re doing wonderfully, keep up the good work!
I must admit Viki, so far nothing dire has happened 😉 Glad I’m not the only one struggling with this!
Definitely not alone, Sliloh and Viki. The very term “social networking” scares me. So I’ll move slowly into those realms.
Adele, I agree about Sliloh’s blog… worth reading as often as she posts.
How did Viki and I get to be kitty-kats?
Hi Barb, Thanks for the comment you crazy cat! lol
Under the gravatar plugin it says: Default Gravatar to use (complete URI) so that way for people who don’t have one set I sent it to that picture to use 😉
I am finding putting myself out there in the online world to be a lot like my experience putting myself out there performing in a coffee house many years ago. My friends encouraged me (ok they pushed a bit too) to take my music out of the closet. I would shake and feel like I wanted to throw up until I got a little into a set.
Anything you do from your heart that you put out there for all the world to see will certainly make you feel vulnerable. Yet whenever we do it makes a difference for someone. Whenever I put a new blog post up I have to take a really deep breath. Not sure that feeling will ever go away. Maybe if it does though it’s a sign that my heart just isn’t in it though.
So keep on putting yourself out there and someday you will be ready for the rest of us to know who you are! I can already tell you are someone I would want to meet 🙂
Susan Mazza’s last blog post..Whose Job Is It Anyway?
Well, you are a lot braver than me if you could get up and perform in a coffee shop! Of course I can’t carry a tune so I’d probably get booed right out of the place 😉
Several of my posts have been hard to get up the courage to post. Because no one likes to talk about mental illness. Oh well, I blog what I know I guess.