My daughters kindly dug it all up for me but I was so slow that it was as hard as a rock by the time I was ready to plant. So I spent 2 days digging again. Most of my tomato plants I had bought died before I got them out there, so I ordered […]
“Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong.” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
My daughters kindly dug it all up for me but I was so slow that it was as hard as a rock by the time I was ready to plant. So I spent 2 days digging again. Most of my tomato plants I had bought died before I got them out there, so I ordered […]
A couple of years ago when I was having equilibrium problems I went to an ENT Dr. After all kinds of bizarre tests they said I had inner ear damage due to my migraines. They suggested trying preventive meds, which really run the gamut. A lot of them are antidepressants, such as Effexor, which […]
Even though I set my daughter up a blog to post her images and tales of Ireland last year, she has yet to do it. I was browsing through them and thought I’d just help myself to a few to show off here. I want to visit that land before I die! If I can’t […]
Yesterday a friend of mine steered me to this band. I love them!
Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man
Last night as I went to bed I suddenly heard this sound like water running, in my right ear only (my shunt runs right behind my ear on the right). It lasted only a couple of minutes. I have tinnitus already, quite a bit worse the last few months but it completely drowned that […]
I saw this on Facebook months ago and in fact reposted it there twice because it’s so awesome. Go here to read about the Playing for Change movement. Truly inspiring! 🙂
Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. The idea for this […]