4 Responses to “My Ancestors”

  1. Barb Hartsook says:

    What a wonderful post! As I looked through the first several, my main thought was they don’t look very happy, do they? But as I read their brief biographies, I can understand why not! Love seeing Washington there — his real history is quite wonderful and amazing. Not at all a bad legacy, Anita.

    And then of course, to have Whittier in your ancestry is simply — poetically divine!

    I enjoyed this one… and am cheering for you to get to Scotland one day. Me too, being a Campbell…

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      My mom has pictures of more recent ancestors and you know, they never smiled in pictures. I guess they thought portraits were supposed to be serious. She had a huge picture of some grim old codger hanging in the guest bedroom and she moved it to her own room because Melissa was terrified of it! πŸ™‚

      • Barb Hartsook says:

        I spoke to a friend — a fine arts major and a professional photographer now retired — about this. I wondered if it had to do with bad teeth. He said maybe, but probably not. He said way back when, a person had to sit still for a photo just as for a painted portrait. It took the camera that long to get a portrait-quality shot. Interesting. (They couldn’t keep the smile that long.) That sure explains all the sour pickle looks, doesn’t it?
        .-= Barb Hartsook´s last blog ..We Attract to Us That Which We Are =-.

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