A couple of years ago when I was having equilibrium problems I went to an ENT Dr. After all kinds of bizarre tests they said I had inner ear damage due to my migraines. They suggested trying preventive meds, which really run the gamut. A lot of them are antidepressants, such as Effexor, which I gave a try or antipsychotic, antiseizure, betablockers and many more. During my very long depression I have been on multitudes of antidepressents, antipsychotics and yes, even antiseizures. They never did a thing for my depression and I refuse to take them anymore, I’m tired of the side effects and them not helping anyway. So I’ve been relying on Maxalt, a migraine med that really works for me. The trouble is 6 of them were costing me $42 and I was getting at least two migraines a week. I have been puzzled why I get them so often now when I didn’t in my younger years.
When I was in my 20’s I started having heart palpitations that were very scary. I was diagnosed with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and put on a betablocker. I took it daily for years and it worked like a charm. The only issue being that it made my already low blood pressure even lower. The last few years I hadn’t been having the arrhythmias so I gradually had quit taking it. Recently I’ve been having problems with them again so I started back on my Tenormin, a betablocker. Wow, guess what? My migraines have really decreased in quantity!
Another nice plus is after telling my dr how I used to get 16 Maxalts with my prescription, she apparently wrote it for more. So the last one I got 12. My cost? $42! I feel like I’ve been getting totally ripped off for years. Of the 12 I bought a couple of weeks ago I have only used one. What a difference it makes to your life to not suffer days long headaches. I don’t even care that my last doctor visit it took 4 tries to find my bloodpressure and it was a whopping 54/40. π
I’m really glad you’ve found something to cut down on the migraines. With that low bp, your heart may be able to keep you going to 150! I wish I could give you some of my bp.
Yeah the blood pressure is crazy but doesn’t effect me much. Having relief from those nasty headaches sure is nice π
I’m glad you were able to find something that helps with the migraines.
Trying to find the right meds to help with depression — that’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack and if you do find something that works it will likely quit working after 6 months and will usually bring along other wonderful side effects — like weight gain. THAT really helps the depression.
.-= Kc´s last blog ..Laundry Land =-.
Yeah, I’ve given up on the whole depression med thing. Migraine relief is a…relief though! lol
I will tell you the root of my migraine. Spam.
Meds are good. Why not use any means to experiment with our brains chemistry that shows promise to a better life. I am all for experimenting on ourselves. Pass it down dude… ;).
lol, I’ve done my share of experimenting, most of it legally and that kind isn’t nearly as much fun as the other π
Hi Siloh
Never suffered from migraine but my sister has and a friend of mine has them regularly.
I’ll email them a link to this article.
Glad your migraines have reduced in frequency.
.-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Laugh and the worldβ¦ =-.
Hi Keith, I hope it helps. I’m a bit surprised with how many preventatives there are that I wasn’t offered more choice. Of course I’ll take some of the blame in that I was unwilling to to give anymore psychiatric meds a try. Thankfully it appears I don’t have to! π