13 Responses to “Inspiration”

  1. Lightdance says:

    OK, Anita, you win! Karol

  2. Adele says:

    Anita – You are blinking brilliant! I LOVE that unraveling sweater. I’ve been there. I wish I had thought of that one.

    Adele’s last blog post..Hexagram Eight – Six in the Fourth Place

  3. Barb Hartsook says:

    The art that you link to here is incredible, Anita! I hadn’t seen these. They speak tons — even the “silly” one is more serious than silly.

    I’m so glad you found your inspiration post and pulled it out of your head. πŸ™‚

    Barb Hartsook’s last blog post..How Do You Find the Time to……..?

  4. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Thanks Adele and Barb. It’s funny because I kept trying to think of who..or what inspired me and thought back to my childhood, which is always depressing and very uninspiring, and I was stuck right there. Then I was working on my other blog, which led me to my Bryce gallery and suddenly I could remember so well the passion that went into that work. πŸ˜‰

  5. quirkyartist says:

    I followed all the links and looked at your work and you are just AMAZING. I did the Bryce lvs course, but didn’t really persevere with it after that. I’m in awe.

    quirkyartist’s last blog post..Danny’s Gregory’s Books

  6. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Thanks Wendy πŸ˜‰ I’ve been remiss not mentioning I use Poser but I only set the people up there because I can’t stand scene setup in Poser. I use my Bryce for all that. I love that program.

  7. Royc8 says:

    Erm I think I am on of those handsome YOUNG guys in that pic, my lawyers will be onto you tomorrow ; )
    Great blog Anita, glad I inspire you lol.
    Blogs are cool ; )

  8. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Lol, busted! Yeah you plaid cutie you πŸ˜‰ What a coincidence you popped back up just when I posted your picture here πŸ˜‰

  9. Royc8 says:

    One you didn’t mention in your depression series which I thought was very strong is ‘Despair’


    It really displays that intimacy with the inner darkside.

  10. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Yeah, that one was the most personal to me, which was why I chickened out from adding it here πŸ˜‰

  11. Miranda says:

    Haha! I remember psycho kitty!!

    I’ve always loved your art…you may think you lack skill but I’ve always been impressed πŸ˜€

    And Roy is right…I think “Despair” captures the lurking dark side quite well.

  12. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    Yeah you saw the real wounds from that insane feline! lol

    Yeah, it captures it but my relationship with that dark side is very personal.

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