5 Responses to “Handmade quilt”

  1. Lightdance says:

    It is lovely. I used to quilt. I even made some log cabins with yellow centers. I remember the red or yellow centers stand for the hearth, the heart of the home.

  2. Adele - I Ching says:


  3. Avatar photo sliloh says:

    I have made a couple of quilts too but it’s been a long time. I love this, looks better than mine did.

  4. Barb Hartsook, Over Coffee says:

    Yes! It IS gorgeous. Not only the quilt top, but the story behind it. Beautiful people in our lives is the BEST art…

    Barb Hartsook, Over Coffee’s last blog post..Inspiration Is In the Story… Art of All Kinds Tell Those Stories

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