I want to move.
I think I should be in a more country setting where I don’t have such close neighbors. If they are obnoxious and live a mile away that’s a lot better than obnoxious and one foot away. I live a quiet life here I just don’t understand the shit that people keep doing to me. Okay, I can understand stealing my downspouts off my garage, that was about greed and money. I don’t understand the throwing eggs, bricks, rocks and various other crap into my yard and garden. I don’t understand throwing your chewed up gum on my front porch where I step on it. I don’t understand kicking my back gate in and breaking the boards. It’s not like it locks and is keeping you out of my yard. I’m tired of picking your litter up in my front yard and alley. Christ, in the alley you have any number of dumpsters to throw your crap in, feel free to use mine.
I’m tired of the rudeness about noise, for fuck sake you have neighbors all around you just a few feet away. Why is there no common courtesy around here?
I’m depressed. I live like a freaking hermit, so there’s no good stuff, just the bad crap. I walked away from a house I loved once, I guess I could walk away from this one. It’s a shame that being poor means I need to live next to lowlifes. Here’s a clue you assholes, you can be poor and still live a life with integrity and respect for yourself and others.
Sometimes I wish I’d bought that gun but then I’d only get in trouble threatening assholes with it probably. Maybe a ten foot stone wall around my entire property with barbed wire on top……heh
Next time I look for one of these:
Feel your pain. There is no reason why money has to be a gauge for decency and kindness.
My Skype is almost always on. When you get depressed or irritated with your asshole neighbors, look me up and we’ll rag on them together.