More specifically to the ceo of Comcast:
I’m writing to you because talking with your tech help is a useless enterprise.
1. I would like to know why my service is so totally sucky compared to comcast average in my state (Indiana). That would be even at the best of times. (see attached image)
2. I would like to know why the last few weeks it’s been next to useless. (see attached image)
3. I would like to know why when I contact tech help I get the same useless spiel about resetting router, modem, my 2 gb of ram may not be enough, my 45 gb of free space may not be enough. (sorry, can’t include the canned letter I recieved. I deleted it after I saw it was the same useless information they’d given me before.)
4. I would like to know why, when they set up an appointment to come and check my wires or whatever, they never showed up at all. (I was even told that is illegal, to set an appointment and then not show, awesome, so Im calling the cops and what? Having some poor tech guy arrested?)
5. I would like to know why my daughter just signed up for internet AND tv and is paying less than I am for my sucky internet.
6. What are you willing to do to keep me as a customer? Because I am about one day away from going with Verizon fios.
Most sincerely yours,
Anita Sxxxxxxx
I would like to look into your situation further. It looks like it could be signal issues, or trouble with the modem. Both of which can be corrected. Please email me your account info with a link to this page and we will look into this further for you.
Thank you for the opportunity to assist!
Frank Eliason
@ComcastCares on Twitter