NAMI (The National Alliance on Mental Illness) graded the states in 2006. Our country as a whole got a D. Are you surprised? I’m not, I’ve lived it. I actually checked it out before I moved. I moved from a C+ state (Michigan) to a D- state (Indiana). It wasn’t that big of a loss, although as far as I can tell Indiana has no state program. I did however find a better treatment plan here and even though I’ll never be able to pay it all off they seem okay with that.

In Michigan I was in the mental health program since I returned in 1996. Basically I saw a therapist and psychiatrist on a regular basis, between my many hospitalizations. One month when I couldn’t get it together to pay my rent someone decided I should be in the HOP (housing outreach program). My therapist came to me, I had a bill payer, a med giver, even a cleaning person once I reached my medicaid spenddown limit for the month.
They closed that program and put me in a dual diagnosis program. That means people with mental illness who have addictions too. I had an intern ask me if I started using again when I got depressed. I said using what? Cigarettes? Mountain Dew? Aspirin? Duh, couldn’t be bothered to read my chart I guess. That was a very bad program for me to be in. My therapist suggested I liked feeling this way. They treated people like naughty irresponsible children. I won’t even go into what a fiasco my bill payer was.
The big difference was the HOP program treated us like worthwhile human beings and when you are already guilt ridden that you couldn’t hold it all together that was hugely important. Sometimes I feel like a chameleon, if people like me and think I’m great, I start believing it. If people treat me like a worthless child, well, that’s a role I’m a natural at.
I moved in 2006 because my daughter graduated and I no longer got SS money for her. I couldn’t find any place I could afford to live up there. All told, this move was a good thing. I’m paying my own bills and haven’t been late once (thank God for online banking!), I am buying a house and I’m getting some great help.