Yes as I’ve been honing my web skillz I realized how very important a faq or a faw (frequently asked worm) or a fab (frequently asked block) is, but because I’m so very lame in Illustrator, I opened Bryce and tried to remember how to use the darn program.
Then there were my excursions into logo making:
I wonder if I’ll ever get good at that? I took Illustrator classes but I open that program and I can’t remember how to do anything in there. I even had a hard time in Bryce and I used that for years! This post will probably be too huge to load.
Oh and Akismet has officially blocked over 20,000 spam now. I have under 1000 comments, how sad is that? But my penis is ginornmous!!
😀 😀 😀 😀
If you would give a course on Bryce at LVS I would take it.
I was surprised how much I’ve forgotten already! It sucks to get old and demented 😉
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