10 Responses to “About”

  1. Adele says:

    Hi Sliloh,

    Your Bryce stuff is super fantastic! I loved them all and especially those funny ones. I will have to keep you in my Blogroll when I get set up. I was thinking, “How can she be depressed when she can create all these fantastic images?” But please don’t take that in the wrong way as not being sympathetic.


  2. Barb Hartsook says:

    Not a bum — you’re incredibly generous with your help and support to all of us in the blogging class.

    Besides, you’ve set the standard high for displaying art work.

    Glad you included your smile here… 🙂


  3. Jane says:

    Hi Sliloh,

    Nice to ‘meet’ you. I enjoy reading your posts – your writing style is engaging. I really like the design of your blog and your beautiful artwork. I love the colors and designs of your abstracts. Thank you also for showing your support by visiting and commenting on my blog.

  4. Ellen says:

    I totally agree with Barb!! Thank you so much for all your generosity and help in the blogging classes. Thanks for sharing the wonderful Bryce pictures and information, too 🙂


  5. Valerie Beeby says:

    Adding to what everyone else has said – thanks for all your help in the blogging classes! I am just going to enroll for the next bout.

  6. Jane says:

    I LOVE this blogging class! So glad I signed up, Ive learned so much, blogging is a whole lot of fun, especially when you have instructors and classmates like you great people.
    Im quite a beginner at this, so everything I am learning is helping me.
    Learning and reading other peoples blogs sure is fun, though quite a time sink, almost as much as looking at Google Earth.
    Thank you!

  7. Jamie C says:

    Do you know the doctors name in NYC??? I need to find a new one this has been a problem for three years now. Been diagnosed with Hypersomnia and a sleep disorder but I know its because of the pineal gland cyst.

  8. Laurie says:

    I can’t wait to be a bum, if that’s what you call a person that has the freedom to pursue creativity. I use Ultra Fractal, thought about Bryce but that would be another distraction from photography.
    I have the same sentiments about film photography. All the money invested and then, introducing digital. Where do you draw the line?
    I enjoyed looking at your art, beautiful.

    • Avatar photo sliloh says:

      Thank you Laurie. Yes, there are always distractions, I’ve been distracted from Bryce for a while too. I used to love all that time spent in my darkroom. Those were good days 😉

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