“Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong.” ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Yesterday a friend of mine steered me to this band. I love them!
Mumford and Sons – Little Lion Man
Hi Sliloh Love the quote at the top…
“Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong”
Must remember that when I’m suffering. LOL
Great video great band and a super song. .-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Flying in formation =-.
Hey thanks Keith, and thanks for stopping by. Mumford and Son’s didn’t appear to hit a chord with my other readers. As for suffering, I’m not sure how sublime it is 😛
Hi Sliloh Thanks for super quick responce and your visit to my blog much appreciated.
BTW – love your avatar. .-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Flying in formation =-.
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Hi Sliloh
Love the quote at the top…
“Know how sublime a thing it is to suffer and be strong”
Must remember that when I’m suffering. LOL
Great video great band and a super song.
.-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Flying in formation =-.
Hey thanks Keith, and thanks for stopping by. Mumford and Son’s didn’t appear to hit a chord with my other readers. As for suffering, I’m not sure how sublime it is 😛
Hi Sliloh
Thanks for super quick responce and your visit to my blog much appreciated.
BTW – love your avatar.
.-= Keith Davis´s last blog ..Flying in formation =-.